Mark's Stuff

My Foray Into Weblogging. Using this to store interesting items for later review.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

David Connell : Testing for empty String

Best procedures for testing for empty string:

Bottom line. Use:
.Net 1.1: stringVal.Length == 0
.Net 2.0: string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringVal)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005



XPSMTP provides a SMTP based SQL Mail solution for sending MIME based email over SMTP, implemented as an Extended Stored Procedure.

It does not require any software to be installed, just a SMTP email server that can handle the outgoing mail request. (Note: DLL is copied into SQL\binn directory.) XPSMTP is using TCP/IP sockets to communicate to port 25. XPSMTP does not spawn additional threads, the xp_smtp_sendmail request is handled on the same thread as it is being called on by SQL Server. Each call to xp_smtp_sendmail establishes a connection to the SMTP server and disconnects when done sending the email. The connection is created using asynchronous communication and aborts based on a timeout value (@timeout which by default is 10000 milliseconds, so 10 seconds).

Thursday, November 10, 2005

CodeKeep :: Home


Web-based code snippet library. Includes a add-in for Visual Studio.

VSWindowManager PowerToy Development: Workspace Home

VSWindowManager PowerToy Development: Workspace Home

Handy utility for having difference window layouts for different modes in Visual Studio.